Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Qualitative methods for social health research Essay

Qualitative methods for social health research - Essay Example Academic performance is the reason for studying to determine the level of intelligence. Motivation is a crucial aspect in validating the theme of academic performance. In the presence of adequate amount of motivation, there is a driving factor for academic performance. As responded by participant A, motivation will enable one to balance work and studies due to an impending aim of achieving results in both. When asked on How satisfied the participant is with academic achievement, participant A responds, that, â€Å"My study is going good beside my work time as I am a part time employee who is working only in the weekend and the rest of the weekdays I am a full time student so I manage my time to student during the weekdays†. While when asked on the circumstances under which he feels academic achievement is linked to work load, participant C stated that, â€Å"If u work less u will do better in your study as you will have more time to study and do the work on time as if you hav e part time work it will be easy than full time work and full time study, it easy to make you feel stress and scared†. In the assessment of the implication of work on academic performance, participant D was responded that â€Å"work does not affect my studies to a certain degree, because I have less time to study for my subjects†. Stress is a normal reaction to actual or potential stimuli. Basing on the theme of stress, most literature sources agree that stress is a normal response to a stimulant, which may be an actual or a potential threat. When one is faced with more than one task to perform in the study, work and life, stress ensues. However, as responded by participant B, a well balance of time within the daily activities helps in the management of stress. When asked how stress affects in relation to study, participant B says â€Å"stress affects my performance ability and decrease my productivity both at

Monday, February 10, 2020

Semi Conductors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Semi Conductors - Essay Example If a firm manufactures a undoubtedly distinguished good, where the customers associates the good with the brand name, it will become very difficult for the new firm to come into the market and take the customers away from the old firm because here the problem is not to produce at a low cost but to produce a significantly attractive product so as to distract the loyal customers from a familiar brand.   Lower Cost for an Established FirmA monopoly is probable to have maintained expert production and marketing abilities. It is more likely to be conscious of the most proficient methods and the most trustworthy and cheapest providers. It is likely to encompass access to cheaper funding. It is therefore working at lower cost curve. New firms would consequently find it difficult to compete and would be likely to lose any price war. Ownership of, or Control over, Key Factors of ProductionIf a firm is the only owner of a particular raw material or good then it can deny supply of that partic ular good to its competent firm.Ownership of, or Control over, Whole Sale or Retail OutletsIn the same way if the firms owns and controls the outlets through which the good may be sold. It can stop it rivals from gaining access to customers.This creates a barrier to entry as it protects the existing firms by patents on necessary processes, by copy rights and also by different type’s licensing( for example a license which only allows one firm to operate in a particular region) and tariffs and also by other trade restrictions. Like many Fishing companies have got license to fish in a particular region and are also given a particular quota. Mergers and takeovers The monopolist firms takeovers new firms by putting bid on them. This increases discouragement for new firms. Aggressive tactics A monopolist who is business for quite a long time can sustain losses for a long time but a new entrant cannot and hence it would start a price cutting war, start big advertising campaigns and introduce new brands and drive the new entrants out. Intimidation In order to drive the new entrants out the existing firm May way out to different forms of harassment and which may be legal or illegal. Semiconductor Rivalry in USA: A Current Example Here we can cite the example of USA where first and second generation chip organizations like Fairchild, General Electric and RCA paved a path for the third generation companies as the