Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Matrix Technology Fears of a Dystopian World - 630 Words

Millions of people flock to the movie theater year after year on a quest to be entertained. Even a mediocre movie has the ability to take the audience to another place, escaping the realities of their own life, even if for just a few short hours. Some movies are simply pure entertainment. And then, there are those movies that provoke conversation long after the film has been viewed. Despite the popularity of the recent films The Hunger Games and Divergence, the dystopian theme in film is not a new one. The Matrix shows a society where humans exist without any freedom. The film, not only entertaining but thought provoking as well, paints a world with two different dimensions, a world very much like today’s when the film is closely examined. The Matrix questions the benefit of technology and influence over society. Like today’s world, in The Matrix technology dominates society. There are two dimensions in the film: the artificial intelligence world and the â€Å"real† world. The AI world is painted in all the glories of the world the viewer knows: a world where choices are â€Å"made† by the individual and â€Å"supposed† freedom exists. Morpheus offers Neo an opportunity to see the world for what it really is and break free from the bondage of technology, â€Å"You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.† The humanistic need to mentallyShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix: Fear of Technology in a Dystopian World1158 Words   |  5 PagesThe Matrix: Fear of Technology in a Dystopian World Millions of people flock to the movie theater year after year on a quest to be entertained. Even a mediocre movie has the ability to take the audience to another place, escaping the realities of their own life, if only for a mere two hours. Some movies are simply pure entertainment. 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Not far behind, oozing inside-out hellhounds growl around razor fangs, stalking with murderous intent. All because of an innocent little airborne chemical weapon†¦This can’t be happening, this would never happen, right? It may sound far fetched, and it is. These horrifying creaturesRead MoreMovie Analysis : The City And Suburb 1785 Words   |  8 PagesMatthew Alavanja SOC224 Urban Sociology- Professor A. Howell The City and Suburb in Film Paper December 16, 2015 Sources; Movies Watched- In Time, Elysium Movies Referenced- Blade Runner, Matrix Article Used- Decent People Shouldn’t Live Here A common theme in literature, television, and cinema, are societies and their drive to reach perfection. Strives towards building a utopia are the basis for most science fiction works. However, no such perfect true utopia may ever really exist. Even if things

Friday, December 20, 2019

Questions On Immigration Enforcement Programs Essay

This article seeks to first answer 5 basic research questions: Who are the deportees, what are their experiences, how do immigration enforcement programs operate and are their any notable differences between authorities’ stated practices and people’s experiences, what are the standard practices and potential problems with costly immigration enforcement programs, what is â€Å"security† and how are specific programs related to immigration enforcement helping to achieve this goal? During 2010, 2011, and 2012 over 1113 interviews were conducted with recent deportees asking the previous questions. This article uses statistical data collected using a sample population to argue against current U.S. immigration policy while suggesting new reforms that better serve individuals looking to work or become citizens in the United States. It argues that a more accessible path to citizenship would facilitate safer border communities in both Mexico and the United States by maki ng illegal smuggling networks less profitable. Furthermore, this article spotlights the abuse of immigrants in custody by U.S. Authorities. Half of all deportees interviewed had at the least one family member who is a U.S. Citizen, with one in four having at least one child under the age of 18 who have U.S. citizenship. The article additionally discusses the more than 20 year wait time for visas and the impossibility for average deportees to find a path to legal immigration under current policy. The average deportee isShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of A Sanctuary City1624 Words   |  7 PagesWith important issues occurring every hour these days, more questions are being asked with them. One of those issues is Sanctuary Cities. A Sanctuary city is a city in which State and Local government do not follow immigration policy and do not actively seek and deport undocumented immigrants. Some could find that this Local policy hurts all Americans. Some could find this a moral obligation as a c itizen of the United States. But by any means this topics has major implications to President TrumpsRead MoreThe Impact of Law Enforcement Tactics on Us1739 Words   |  7 PagesIMPACT ON US LAW ENFORCEMENT TACTICS The current violence and drug traffic in Mexico presents a twofold problem in regards to domestic law enforcement in the United States. Not only are US law enforcement authorities required to combat the massive influx of illicit drugs from Mexico, they are also expected to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, many fleeing the dire circumstances in their home country, and also to quell fears of cartel violence spilling over our largely unsecured southern borderRead MoreImmigration And The United States965 Words   |  4 PagesImmigration is what shapes the picture of today’s present-day world. Traveling from country to country for trading and other necessities or personal reasons has been popular since historic times. Immigration means the one way movement of people to a specific country or place. People, or immigrants, move out of their native country for numerous reasons. The aspiration for a better life and future and improved employment opportunities are the key driving f orces for immigrants to migrate. The UnitedRead MoreReforming Immigration Reform732 Words   |  3 PagesReforming Immigration Reform Problem Definition In what could arguably have been the shot heard around the world during the 2012 election year, President Obama in June issued an executive order suspending deportations of low-priority undocumented immigrants under the age of 30 (Office of the Press Secretary, 2012). The order targeted young Hispanics who had been brought to the United States by their parents years ago, the so-called Dreamers. During the rest of the campaign, Obama spent considerableRead MoreLatino Immigrants And The United States Essay1310 Words   |  6 Pagescommon target of immigration laws and U.S. politicians, which causes feelings of displacement and not being wanted as residents of the United States. The immigration process as well as stereotypical judgement often leads to mental health issues, delinquency, depression, and overall health issues. In 1942, following the Great Depression and World War II, the United States was seeking laborers to fill jobs in agriculture and on railways. A treaty known as the Mexican Farm Labor Program Agreement wasRead MoreImmigration Essay1215 Words   |  5 Pagesdreamers program. Los Angeles Times Retrieved from This article focuses on President Trump’s decision to dissolve protection from deportation for around 800,000 people brought into America illegally as children. This group, often described as Dreamers, are in danger of being deported. In March 2018 they will start losing their right to lawfully hold a job, buy a house, attend college, or join the military. Most economist believe lowering immigration will hurt economicRead MoreTexas V. United States960 Words   |  4 PagesRecently there has been a case (Texas v. United States) which corresponds with immigration in the United States of America. Now, it is seen as inhumane to break up families in the United sates, It’s illegal for states to sue the U.S., and the general public does not need time to react to the new program in motion. â€Å"Texas v. United States  was a federal court challenge to President Obama’s 2014 executive action on immigration.   On November 20, 2014, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland SecurityRead MoreThe Enactment Of Arizona Immigration Laws1241 Words   |  5 PagesThesis statement: The enactment of Arizona immigration laws is the result of long-standing structural racism effects, and the practice of these laws leads to unconstitutional racial profiling concerns that target the Latino community on the basis of ethnicity. B. Description of paper / argument: a. In this paper, I will first discuss the historical development of structural racism in Arizona. b. Second, I will examine and analyze Arizona’s current immigration policies. c. Finally, I will discussRead MoreA International Political Economy Event Analysis Paper Essay1388 Words   |  6 Pagesfor my International Political Economy Event Analysis Paper is on the immigration issue in the United States. What does immigration mean? Immigration is a name we give people who come from a foreign country to settle in a country where they are not residents. A place where they do not have a citizenship, in that case they can only stay for a short amount of time then return back to their native country. A frequently asked question about immigrants is why do immigrants come to the United States, forRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1619 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the history of the United States, immigration has become a part of our country’s hearts and souls, which began centuries ago. In the United States alone, there are almost 70,000 foreigners that migrate here daily. Within those 70,000 people, over 60,000 of them are businessmen, traveler s and students. In the United States currently, we have about 5,000 people that are illegal immigrants; with 2,000 legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants have been to this day outnumbering the number of legal

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sean Daley Research Paper free essay sample

It altered a lot of the things that I stood for, the way that I was treating myself, women, and fans. He wrote a song about it called That Night. The topic is sensitive for him and he goes on to say he would never perform the song live, and that he skips it whenever he is listening to the album its on. Though there are real emotions and thoughts in his music, Slugs says his music isnt autobiographical. Depressing lyrics in a song dont mean he isnt a happy person in real life. He named an album You Cant Imagine How Much FunWere Having because Slug and Ant had a wonderful time creating the album, even though the lyrics tap into thick emotion and suicidal thoughts. Sean Daley is a hip-hop artist who is on a different level from mainstream rap. He doesnt rap about how many guns he has or how much money he spends on diamonds (maybe because he doesnt have much money). We will write a custom essay sample on Sean Daley Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page